$900, gonna be $1400 or so just to get it home.

So this FINALLY showed up yesterday, went to the store to get some groceries at like 2pm, saw Danny the tow driver about a mile away from my house and I went "Hmmm, I wonder if there is gonna be a Jeep sitting in my driveway. I didn't get a call and they know they are supposed to call before dropping it off so I know its coming" Sure enough(and luckily) there it was sitting there in my driveway.
Now I can finally get started on it! Looks like it was a really nice jeep before whoever owned it last got it. It's got an aftermarket sunroof(which works thank gawd), has some sort of alarm(which I guess I just need to rip out since I have no remote or anything to go with it and I managed to lock myself out once already when trying to get power to it.
No battery at all, which is only slightly worse than having one that needs to be replaced. Tires are like almost new, that fuggin rocks, in the pictures the lighting made me think they might be down to something like 40% tread, but they are actually really new, wheels are also in really good shape, no need to repaint those.
It's got a K&N intake, a TB spacer, hood spacers(to clear the K&N and TB spacer. Unfortuneatly its got a cosmetic crinkle down by the airbox, with a stock airbox I don't think you would ever see it, but with this K&N is clear as day......so I might grab a stock airbox just so thats less obvious.
Otherwise the enterior is fuggin gross, yet another smokers car, ashes everywhere and but only a few cig burns. Gonna need a helluva cleaning, but it should come mostly clean.
It looks like someone locked themselves out at once point, and used something like a tire iron to pry the drivers door open to slip in a coathanger........so theres a bunch of ugly marks around the drivers door that I won't really be able to do anything about. Dumbass! When its something the driver sees all the time it will kinda bug you, but if they had done it on the passenger side you wouldn't really see it much, meaning it won't bother you much.