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Army in a 1905 downsizing mode retired from new balance minimus guarding Yellowstone and other federal lands. But the best-connected horse soldiers weren't off the federal payroll for long. In the same year, the U.S. Forest Service, as an act of political patronage, created work for ex-cavalrymen, waging war on wolves from 1905 until 1928, when the species was officially extirpated from the Lower 48. Except for the medieval cat massacres that preceded the Black Death, spread by fleas riding an uncontrolled rodent population, such swift wipe-outs of species had never before been deliberately achieved.

Of course that was good for business. Although the ADC will cheerfully kill any purported animal menace, coyotes are still the chief reason it exists, and new balance 998 the species most often killed, currently at the rate of about 100,000 a year. The ADC weapon of preference against coyotes during the 1950s and 1960s was Compound 1080, one of the many neurotoxins developed by the Nazi weapons program new balance sneakers women but never actually deployed during World War II. The ADC usually used it in baited traps.

of Agriculture, 635 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97310-0110; fax 503-986-4747.] Voices within the ADC do occasionally object to the coyote obsession  sort of. "A hog does more damage, in my opinion, than a coyote," ADC trapper Gary Silvers told the commissioners of Bell County, Texas, on April 29. Although domesticated hogs raised in confinement do most of the demonstrable harm  through new balance tennis shoes no choice of their own  just by eating corn raised at huge cost to topsoil and defecating in volume that manure management facilities often can't contain, Silvers wasn't talking about the pork industry.

As ANIMAL PEOPLE reported in April, otters were long ago nearly extirpated from most of the U.S. by fur trapping and the destruction of beaver dams, which create the otter's preferred habitat. After 20 years of reintroductions, however, coinciding with a comeback of beaver, otters have tenuously recolonized much of the northeast and midwest. Missouri trappers now want to kill some of the otters painstakingly reintroduced to that state. Their motive is obvious: in the 27 other states that permit otter trapping, otter pelts  due to scarcity  are among the few trapped furs whose prices remain as high as they were a new balance women decade ago.

When it belatedly hit the media at the end of March, Hamilton's staff quickly fingered otters as an alleged threat to commercially ranched catfish. "We'd be irresponsible," biologist Dave Erickson solemnly told Tom Uhlenbrook of the St. Louis P o s t  D i s p a t c h, "to reintroduce an animal successfully and not provide citizens the ability to deal with otter problems where they surface." MDC spokesperson Jerry Presley warned critics with a form letter that without a trapping season, his Image department had "no mechanism to deal with possible problems."

Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:12 am

Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:01 am
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